Thursday, July 2, 2009


Ape itu PSSR???

PSSR is an abbreviation for Pre-startup safety review, an element in OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) regulations. These regulations require that the employer shall perform a PSSR for new facilities and for modified facilities when the modification is significant enough to require a change in the process safety information.
Process Technical Services can provide experienced and qualified personnel that have either lead or participated as a member of PSSR teams, and are available to help clients.
OSHA suggests that for new processes, the employer will find a PHA (Process Hazards Analysis) helpful in improving the design and construction of the process from a reliability and quality point of view. The safe operation of the new process will be enhanced by making use of the PHA recommendations before final installations are completed. P&IDs are to be completed along with having the operating procedures in place and the operating staff trained to run the process before startup. The initial startup procedures and normal operating procedures need to be fully evaluated as part of the PSSR to assure a safe transfer into the normal operating mode for meeting the process parameters.
For existing processes that have been shutdown for turnaround, or modification, etc., the employer must assure that any changes other than "replacement in kind" made to the process during shutdown go through the management of change procedures. P&IDs will need to be updated as necessary, as well as operating procedures and instructions. If the changes made to the process during shutdown are significant and impact the training program, then operating personnel as well as employees engaged in routine and non-routine work in the process area may need some refresher or additional training in light of the changes. Any incident investigation recommendations, compliance audits or PHA recommendations need to be reviewed as well to see what impacts they may have on the process before beginning the startup.
The PSSR shall confirm that prior to the introduction of highly hazardous chemicals to a process:
• Construction and equipment is in accordance with design specifications;
• Safety, operating, maintenance, and emergency procedures are in place and are adequate;
• For new facilities, a process hazard analysis has been performed and recommendations have been resolved or implemented before startup; and modified facilities meet the requirements specified in Management of Change.
The checklist to be completed by the PSSR team includes specifying that:
• The construction and equipment has been checked for conformance with design specifications and applicable codes and standards.
• Applicable process safety information has been developed or updated as necessary to reflect the new/modified process.
• Plant wide safe work procedures are adequate considering the new/modified process conditions.
• Standard operating procedures and emergency procedures have been developed or updated as needed to ensure safe operation of the new/modified process.
• Maintenance procedures and a preventative maintenance schedule have been developed or updated as needed to ensure safe operation of the new/modified process.
• For new processes, the modification has been subjected to management of change review and all recommendations have been resolved or implemented before startup.
• For modified processes, the modification has been subjected to management of change review and all recommendations have been resolve or implemented before startup.
• Training of each employee involved in operating and /or maintaining the process has been completed and documented.
The PSSR is essential to ensuring that the new or modified facilities will perform as envisioned. The larger and more complex the project, the greater is the need to perform a PSSR. Large projects tend to fall behind schedule so that near the end there is usually pressure to cut corners to speed up the schedule. This is also the point in time where the potential for mistakes may be greatly increased. Under these circumstances it is even more important to step back and conduct a thorough PSSR. PTS can provide experienced personnel that understand the need for the PSSR and bring a mature understanding of the pressures the PSSR team members will face.

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lakukanlah sesuatu itu dengan cara yang berbeza

Ada seorang ayah yang sebelum ajalnya di hadapan Isteri berpesan DUA perkara kepada dua orang anak laki-lakinya :
- Pertama : janganlah suka menagih hutang kepada orang yg berhutang denganmu.
- Kedua : Jika pergi ke kedai(temapat kerja) jangan sampai mukamu terkena sinaran matahari.

Waktu berjalan. Dan ternyata perkara itu terjadi, beberapa tahun kemudian setelah ayahnya meninggal dunia anak yang sulung bertambah kaya sedangkan yang bungsu menjadi semakin miskin.

Pada suatu hari si Ibu bertanyakan akan hal itu kepada mereka.

Jawab anak yang bungsu : "Ini karena saya mengikuti pesan ayah. Ayah berpesan bahwa saya tidak boleh menagih hutang kepada orang yang berhutang kepadaku, akibatnya modalku susut karena orang yang berhutang kepadaku tidak membayar sementara aku tidak boleh menagih hutang".

"Juga Ayah berpesan supaya kalau saya pergi atau pulang dari rumah ke kedai dan sebaliknya tidak boleh terkena sinar matahari. Akibatnya saya harus naik beca atau kereta kuda, padahal sebetulnya saya biasa berjalan kaki saja, tetapi karena pesan ayah itu, akibatnya saya tak berjual beli banyak barang.".

Kepada anak yang sulung yang bertambah kaya, Si Ibu pun bertanya hal yang sama.
Jawab anak sulung : "Ini semua adalah karena saya mentaati pesan ayah. Karena Ayah berpesan supaya saya tidak menagih kepada orang yang berhutang kepada saya, maka saya tidak pernah memberi hutang kepada sesiapa sehinggakan modal yang ada tidak susut".

"Juga Ayah berpesan agar supaya jika saya berangkat ke kedai atau pulang dari kedai tidak boleh terkena sinar matahari, maka saya pergi ke kedai sebelum matahari terbit dan pulang sesudah matahari terbenam.
Karena itu maka kedai saya buka sebelum kedai lain buka, dan tutup jauh sesudah kedai yang lain tutup."

"Sehingga karena kebiasaan itu, orang menjadi tahu dan kedai saya menjadi laris, karena mempunyai jwaktu kerja lebih lama".

Kisah diatas menunjukkan bagaimana sebuah pesan serta amanat di lakukan dengan persepsi yang berbeza.
Jika kita melihat dengan positive attitude maka segala kesulitan sebenarnya adalah sebuah perjalanan membuat kita sukses tetapi kita juaga boleh terhanyut dengan adanya kesulitan karena kebiasaan kita... pilihan ada di tangan anda.

'Berusahalah melakukan hal biasa dengan cara yang luar biasa dan berbeza'

Friday, December 12, 2008

50 soalan sangat susah mahu jawab mase temuduga?

It is not enough to have solid answers for only the above questions. You need to be prepared for the full spectrum of questions that may be presented. For further practice, make sure you go through the required mock interview, look at some of the following questions:

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. Tell me about your experience.
3. What is your most important accomplishment to date?
4. How would you describe your ideal job?
5. Why did you choose this career?
6. When did you decide on this career?
7. What goals do you have in your career?
8. How do you plan to achieve these goals?
9. How do you personally define success?
10. Describe a situation in which you were successful.
11. What do you think it takes to be successful in this career?
12. What accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction in your life?
13. If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?
14. Would you rather work with information or with people?
15. Are you a team player?
16. What motivates you?
17. Why should I hire you?
18. Are you a goal-oriented person?
19. Tell me about some of your recent goals and what you did to achieve them.
20. What are your short-term goals?
21. What is your long-range objective?
22. What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
23. Where do you want to become ten years from now?
24. Do you handle conflict well?
25. Have you ever had a conflict with a boss? How did you resolve it?
26. What major problem have you had to deal with recently?
27. Do you handle pressure well?
28. What is your greatest strength?
29. What is your greatest weakness?
30. If I were to ask one of your boss to describe you, what would he or she say?
31. Why did you choose to attend your college?
32. What changes would you make at your college?
33. How has your education prepared you for your career?
34. What were your favorite classes? Why?
35. Do you enjoy doing independent research?
36. Who were your favorite professors? Why?
37. Why is your GPA not higher?
38. Do you have any plans for further education?
39. How much training do you think you’ll need to become a productive employee?
40. What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?
41. Why do you want to work in the _____ industry?
42. What do you know about our company?
43. Why are you interested in our company?
44. Do you have any location preferences?
45. How familiar are you with the community that we’re located in?
46. Are you willing to relocate? In the future?
47. Are you willing to travel? How much?
48. Is money important to you?
49. How much money do you need to make to be happy?
50. What kind of salary are you looking for?

Don’t just read these questions—practice and rehearse the answers. Don’t let the employer interview be the first time you actually formulate an answer in spoken words. It is not enough to think about them in your head—practice! Sit down with a friend, a significant other, or your roommate (an especially effective critic, given the amount of preparation to date) and go through all of the questions. If you have not yet completed a mock interview, do it now. Make the most of every single interview opportunity by being fully prepared!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mari belajar....

Ape itu Chemical Equations??

A chemical equation describes what happens in a chemical reaction. The equation identifies the reactants (starting materials) and products (resulting substance), the formulas of the participants, the phases of the participants (solid, liquid, gas), and the amount of each substance. Balancing a chemical equation refers to establishing the mathematical relationship between the quantity of reactants and products. The quantities are expressed as grams or moles.
It takes practice to be able to write balanced equations. There are essentially three steps to the process:

1. Write the unbalanced equation.

o Chemical formulas of reactants are listed on the lefthand side of the equation.
o Products are listed on the righthand side of the equation.
o Reactants and products are separated by putting an arrow between them to show the direction of the reaction. Reactions at equilibrium will have arrows facing both directions.

2. Balance the equation.

o Apply the Law of Conservation of Mass to get the same number of atoms of every element on each side of the equation. Tip: Start by balancing an element that appears in only one reactant and product.
o Once one element is balanced, proceed to balance another, and another, until all elements are balanced.
o Balance chemical formulas by placing coefficients in front of them. Do not add subscripts, because this will change the formulas.

3. Indicate the states of matter of the reactants and products.
o Use (g) for gaseous substances.
o Use (s) for solids.
o Use (l) for liquids.
o Use (aq) for species in solution in water.
o Write the state of matter immediately following the formula of the substance it describes.

Worked Example Problem

Tin oxide is heated with hydrogen gas to form tin metal and water vapor. Write the balanced equation that describes this reaction.

1. Write the unbalanced equation.

SnO2 + H2 --> Sn + H2O

Refer to Table of Common Polyatomic Ions and Formulas of Ionic Compounds if you have trouble writing the chemical formulas of the products and reactants.

2. Balance the equation.
Look at the equation and see which elements are not balanced. In this case, there are two oxygen atoms on the lefthand side of the equation and only one on the righthand side. Correct this by putting a coefficient of 2 in front of water:

SnO2 + H2 --> Sn + 2 H2O

This puts the hydrogen atoms out of balance. Now there are two hydrogen atoms on the left and four hydrogen atoms on the right. To get four hydrogen atoms on the right, add a coefficient of 2 for the hydrogen gas. Remember, coefficients are multipliers, so if we write 2 H2O it denotes 2x2=4 hydrogen atoms and 2x1=2 oxygen atoms.

SnO2 + 2 H2 --> Sn + 2 H2O

The equation is now balanced. Be sure to double-check your math! Each side of the equation has 1 atom of Sn, 2 atoms of O, and 4 atoms of H.

3. Indicate the physical states of the reactants and products.
To do this, you need to be familiar with the properties of various compounds or you need to be told what the phases are for the chemicals in the reaction. Oxides are solids, hydrogen forms a diatomic gas, tin is a solid, and the term 'water vapor' indicates that water is in the gas phase:

SnO2(s) + 2 H2(g) --> Sn(s) + 2 H2O(g)

This is the balanced equation for the reaction.

Lagi contoh equation

Na + O2 → Na2O

In order for this equation to be balanced, there must be an equal amount of Na on the left hand side as on the right hand side. As it stands now, there is 1 Na on the left but 2 Na's on the right. This problem is solved by putting a 2 in front of the Na on the left hand side:

2Na + O2 → Na2O

In this there are 2 Na atoms on the left and 2 Na atoms on the right. In the next step the oxygen atoms are balanced as well. On the left hand side there are 2 O atoms and the right hand side only has one. This is still an unbalanced equation. To fix this a 2 is added in front of the Na2O on the right hand side. Now the equation reads:

2Na + O2 → 2Na2O

Notice that the 2 on the right hand side is "distributed" to both the Na2 and the O. Currently the left hand side of the equation has 2 Na atoms and 2 O atoms. The right hand side has 4 Na's total and 2 O's. Again, this is a problem, there must be an equal amount of each chemical on both sides. To fix this 2 more Na's are added on the left side. The equation will now look like this:

4Na + O2 → 2Na2O

This equation is a balanced equation because there is an equal number of atoms of each element on the left and right hand sides of the equation.

kena praktis selalu

Mahu tau lebih....

Sumber dari

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pokok pun ade letrik?

Teringat lak aku pasal cite matrix, manusia diternak oleh computer untuk mendapatkan tenage letrik...

A group of researchers with team member Andreas Mershin, a postdoctoral associate at the CBE and Christopher Love, an MIT senior in chemistry, led by Shuguang Zhang, the associate director of the MIT's Center for Biomedical Engineering (CBE) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has managed to use the energy generated by trees to power a network of wireless sensors to prevent spreading forest fires. These sensors are powered by off-the-shelf batteries which is rechargeable by electricity generated by the trees.

Although the power generated by tree is small, it sufficient to produces enough electricity to enable four time signals emission a day from the system. This obviously a break through in power industrial where human being is still struggling with. It is believed the tree power may be adopted to be utilized in other wireless applications. Read more in "Using tree power to prevent forest fires?"


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Kamus Operator 2

Ini term-term yang aku bace dari buku dan web untuk kite ingat kembali ..


Pre-commissioning activities are the non-operating work responsibilities such as adjustments, cold alignment checks, etc. performed by the contractor prior to ready for commissioning or mechanical completion.


Occurs when the plant or any part of the plant has been erected in accordance with drawings and specifications and the pre-commissioning activities have been completed to the extent necessary to permit commissioning activities to begin.


Occurs when the plant or any part of the plant has been erected in accordance with drawings, specifications and applicable codes and the pre-commissioning activities have been completed to the extent necessary to permit the client to accept the plant and begin commissioning activities. The terms ready for commissioning and mechanical completion are often synonymous.


are commissioning activities conducted to allow run-in and operational testing of the equipment as well as provide operator training and familiarisation.


Occurs when feedstocks are introduced to the plant for the express purpose of producing a product for the first time.


used to describe the entire process of pre-commissioning, commissioning, initial start up, steady production and performance testing of a plant.

Carilah didalam