Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mari belajar:


APPLICATION: software that was used to carry out the certain tasks, as carrying out the calculation of accountancy, processed words (wrote the letter, the agreement, etc.. ), or drew (the work was graphic).

ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange. The standard code that was used as the representation of text in the computer or to change mutual texts between the computer of one with the other computer. ASCII consisted of 255 codes that became the representation of all the texts of the character and several non-printing (control) characters.

ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE: the programming language of the computer low-level. Assembly language interacted directly with computer hardware.

BASIC: Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. The programming language high-level. During 1964, John Kemeney and Thomas Kurtz drafted BASIC as the programming language that was easy to be studied. Because of his simplicity, BASIC fast was accepted as the programming language for the microcomputer.

BENCHMARK TEST: a series of test that was carried out in the system or computer software unutk measured his performance compared with the system or other similar software.

BIOS: Basic Input-Output System. Part of the certain operation system, like CP/M. and the CARTON that consist of drivers and other software that was drafted to manage peripheral equipment, like the monitor, the disk drive, and printer.

BIT: the abbreviation from “binary digit”. The smallest information unit that could be kept the computer. Bit could take the form of the value 1 or 0. Eight bit be the same as one byte.

BUG: the programming error that could cause a program or the functioning system not truly or crash (could not be used).

BUNDLE: the practice of the sale of the application and the computer simultaneously in a promotion effort. The bus: the channel that was used to distribute the data to a computer. The bus was one set of electric or electronic relations between the microprocessor and other hardware, like the disk drive, the plank logik, etc..

BYTE: the measurement of the computer memory or the disk capacity. One byte was the same as eight bits and could keep one ASCII character, that could take the form of the figure, the letter, or the punctuation mark.

CD-ROM: Compact Disk read-Only Memory. The storage system of optics that could record information permanently to some of Compact Disk (very much resembled the disk that was used for music), then presented him in the computer screen.

CGA: Color Graphics Adapter. The standard of the coloured screen that was introduced by IBM in 1981. The plank of the CGA circuit enabled the monitor to put forward the screen of four colours 320 X 200 pixel. In 1984, EGA (the standard of the higher resolution) replaced the CGA standard.

CHIP: the name was unofficial to integrated circuit. The example: saw microprocessor.

COBOL: Common Business-Oriented Language. The programming language high-level that was drafted for the application of the business. COBOL became the language that often was used to program the application for mainframes since the 1960 's.

CP/M.: Control Program/Microcomputer. One of the first systems of the microcomputer operation.

The DISK: also was mentioned diskette; the media penyimpan magnetic that was most usual was used for the microcomputer. “Floppy Disk” could berdiameter 5 or 3. The application program was packed and sold in the diskette, and the user kept the data in the diskette.
The DRIVE DISK: the Implement to call information from or recorded information to the disk. The computer could have one disk drive or more. The disk drive also could be installed as peripheral equipment.

The CARTON: the Disk of Operating-System. The name that usually is used to refer to Ms-DOS (the Microsoft product) or PC-DOS (the IBM adaptation to Ms-DOS). The CARTON became the widest operation system was used for the IBM computer and compatible him.

EGA: Enchanced Graphics Adapter. The standard tampilan beresolusi higher was compared by CGA. Resolusi EGA was 640 X 350 in mode 16 colours. In 1987, the EGA standard was replaced by VGA.

FORTRAN: FORmula TRANslation. The programming language that was developed in 1956 by John Backus in IBM, especially being used to handle the scientific and mathematical formula.

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